
Current interactive map of conan exiles
Current interactive map of conan exiles

We're still working hard on this so if there's any feedback or additions you'd like us to add, please let us know and we'll do our best to add it.

current interactive map of conan exiles

Thrall and Faction Camps including Named Thralls The Exiled Lands Map [Note: The map is still a work-in-progress, but currently contains over 2000 markers which you can filter and search, most of them with screenshots, showing the following: The Exiled Lands map includes locations for all Resources like Ore and Plants, Animal locations, World Bosses, Thrall and Faction Camps including Named Thralls, Dungeons and their bosses, Vistas and other locations, Merchants and much more! Most markers have been carefully verified with screenshots. CE Map - Interactive Conan Exiles Map currently has 353 reviews with average vote value 3.3. Thorgar the Blacksmith Purchase: Scroll (Pride of Aesir) for Thorgar's Recipe Fragment, Thorgar's Notes, Thorgar's Crest.We've been revisiting Conan again since the Age of Sorcery expansion and found that a lot of the maps out there are somewhat outdated and missing new additions/factually inaccurate so we decided to create a more up to date version, powered by our massive database. CE Map is an interactive map for the Conan Exiles game. Heart of the Sands (Scourgestone) for Jagged Scourgestone Piece, Shattered Scourgestone Piece, Broken Scourgestone Piece. Left out a bunch of mobs, but figured this was a good spot to start. Like one for monsters, one for caves, one for ore, etc. Petruso the Sandstorm Maniac He is in Sandswept Ruins. I made the mistake of making it in paint and not Gimp, otherwise I could have made a couple different maps. Nunu the Cannibal Emote: Cheer Religion: Acolyte of Yog Muriela the Artisan Emote: By Mitra Religion: Acolyte of Mitra my little pony mr and mrs cake dayz tier map. Interactive Map I noticed that is down completely any information regarding that and what maps do you guys use 3 Related Topics Conan Exiles Open world Survival game Action-adventure game Gaming 1 comment Best Add a Comment LoneKharnivore 2 yr.

current interactive map of conan exiles

Mek-kamoses Emote: By Set Religion: Acolyte of Set Made an Interactive Resource Map :: Conan Exiles General Discussions. Currently many more locations are being added, but there are already some on. Harpagus the Hatcher He is in the Weaver's Hollow. Conan Exiles Interactive Map - Isle of Siptah Conan Exiles Interactive Map. List of non-player characters ( NPCs) you can talk to, some of them will be able to teach you new religion, new emotes, etc.Ĭhild of Jhebbal Sag Recipe: Midnight Alchemist.Įnis The Gobbler (Cook) / Sayd Secretkeeper (Alchemist)

Current interactive map of conan exiles